Mary E. Volz Library
OverDrive eBooks & Audiobooks through Sora
OverDrive now allows you to download eBooks and audiobooks from the comfort of your own home all year long! By clicking on the eBooks button to the right, you will be taken to the Sora website where you can login using your Google Account and begin browsing the selections. You can choose to read your books directly in your web browser or download it to a device to read in the Sora App discussed below.
Sora App
You can download the Sora App from your device's app store or from the link under the help menu on the OverDrive website.
This free app allows the books to download so you can continue reading without internet connection. It also has a built in dictionary for those troublesome words.
Read in any internet browser simply by clicking the "Open Book" link
Book automatically downloads for reading without an internet connection
Lifelong Readers
Media Hub
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
Information Literacy
Partnership &
Learning Community
Selecting Books in Your AR Level
Search for books on your AR level by selecting "ATOS Level" under the "Levels" tab. YOu will then be able to select your range from a list under the "ATOS Level" tab on the left side of the screen.